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Don't Confuse Enterprise Intelligence with Business Intelligence

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Enterprise intelligence is often confused with business intelligence. Many organizations assume they have high levels of enterprise intelligence simply because they have vast amounts of data and have invested in tools and technologies to analyze that data. But, enterprise intelligence is more than access to and ownership of data. It is more than data analysis. Intelligent enterprises demonstrate the ability to continuously learn at scale, explain outcomes based on that learning and, ultimately, use this learning to adapt faster than their competitors.

On the path to becoming learning enterprises, organizations must develop evidence-based cultures where the information at hand shapes decision making. These enterprises will fully instrument their processes, physical assets, and products to unlock value from dormant data, harnessing crowdsourced intelligence, using digital twins for simulation, tracking social networks, and better understanding customer experiences. They will employ artificial intelligence, business intelligence, data intelligence, and other technologies throughout the entire enterprise to develop comprehensive enterprise intelligence.

Download IDC's eBook, Building Enterprise Intelligence: A Framework, to learn more.

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Dave Bridges

Project Manger

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolores beatae voluptas sunt dignissimos labore. Consequuntur, deserunt nisi voluptas velit a doloribus ea, voluptate beatae exercitationem possimus minus inventore esse cum!

Dave Bridges

Project Manger