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Understand Generative AI and Its Potential Impact for Your Business​

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As Generative AI gains increasing traction and with the swift evolution, it offers businesses with an unparalleled game-changing opportunity to explore new frontiers and unlock innovative possibilities. ​

​Marc Strohlein, adjunct research advisor with IDC's IT Executive Programs (IEP) explains why you should not lump generative AI with its several unique characteristics as ‘just another intelligent technology’ and that it require different approaches to adopting and applying it to the organization.

So how can you prepare your organization or enterprise for Generative AI? ​

In this complimentary excerpt, you will learn:
  • Why CIOs should pay close attention to Generative AI​
  • The impact of Generative AI
  • How your IT organization get ahead of the curve and deploy Generative AI​
Download this complimentary excerpt to get in-depth insights into generative AI, why it demands CIOs' attention, and how CIOs can prepare their IT organizations and enterprises. Be equipped with insights from IDC to help you strategize and convert opportunities around the expanding Gen AI market. Fill out the form to get your copy today!​

What our Customers Are Saying

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Dave Bridges

Project Manger

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolores beatae voluptas sunt dignissimos labore. Consequuntur, deserunt nisi voluptas velit a doloribus ea, voluptate beatae exercitationem possimus minus inventore esse cum!

Dave Bridges

Project Manger