Win the ESG Technology Market with IDC

IDC's Asia Pacific Sustainable Strategies and Technologies program provides a holistic view of how sustainability/ESG topics impact and shape business strategies and technology usage.

It delivers insights into opportunities and risks that emerge from a rapidly growing stakeholder demand for sustainable, digitally advanced products and services.

IT Vendors benefit from the program in the following ways:

  • Helps develop the best portfolios and go-to-market strategies to address evolving client demand
  • Quantifies the market opportunities and impact for sustainable and sustainability-focused technology through market forecasts, impact and business value models, and indices and perception studies
  • Provides coverage of adoption strategies and use cases for technologies and services such as software, IT infrastructure, and equipment, and guidance on how companies can implement sustainability into their operations

Learn more about the benefits of IDC Sustainable Strategies and Technologies and how our analysts can help you develop the best ESG portfolios and go-to-market strategies to address your client's demand.

Contact us today to work together on programs to meet your business goals.